R17 Dr Reckeweg


Dr. Reckeweg R17 Abnormal Tissue growth Drops



All abnormal tissue growths, malignant or benign, carcinomata. Regenerator of diseased tissues (tuberculous ulceration).

Growths and eczema affecting external and internal organs. Inflammatory and trophic rashes. Anomalous epithelial growths, formation of scales and warts.

Buy R16 Dr Reckeweg


Naja tripudians: Regenerator of diseased tissues, suppresses carcinomatous growths, increases the defensive forces of the organism.

Skin swellings caused by tumours and eschars, slow formation of pus, attenuation and diminution of pus. Affections of the serous skin, the muscles and the mucous membranes. In tumours the surrounding skin is swollen with slow formation of pus

Scrophularia nodosa: Carcinomata, glandular swellings of a cancerous nature. Appearance of malignant and benign lumps in the breast, growing slowly into tumours. Stomach ulcers with a cancerous tendency. Myomae, uterine carcinomata, epithelial and scirrhous tumours.

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Usually 10-15 drops in some water three times daily before meals. If malignancy is suspected administer 20 drops in some water four times daily.

Reduce dosage gradually only after improvement sets in and continue medication for several months


– The remedy is meant to be a supplementary medication in the treatment of malignancy.
– It is advisable to administer R17 post-operatively or after radiation therapy since it has been observed to improve the patient’s general sense of well-being.
– Severe paints in advanced stages of malignancy are frequently eased by the use of R17.
– Involvement of the femal pelvic organs: additionally R38, respectively R39.
– In anaemia: additionally R31.
– In diseases of the prostate: see R25.
– To stimulate hepatic function: additionally R7, 10-15 drops once daily.

Info for Registered practitioners only

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