R62 Dr Reckeweg


Dr. Reckeweg R62 Measles Drops


To reduce all types of inflammation of mucous membranes, especially with inflammations of the eye; measles.

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Remedies in this combination all reduce inflammation of mucous membranes. The improvement is rapid and lasting.

Complications are largely circumvented by the administration of this combination.

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Arum triphyllum: Burning and stitching pain of inflamed mucous membranes together with irritation of the eyes and skin rashes.

Atropinum: Acute inflammation, febrile states, congestion of the head, dry mucous membranes, affecting the upper respiratory system in particular.

Ferrum phosphoricum and Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni: Catarrhal affections, photophobia, sticky perspirations.


– In the acute stage frequent repetition is necessary

– Start with 8 to 10 drops in water to be given in 1/2 to 1 hour intervals

– Babies should be given 3 to 5 drops in water

– On improvement reduce the frequency of administration to 1 to 2 hourly


– For the convalescent stage: R31

– If illness is complicated by influenza, prescribe in addition to and in alternation R6

– Tonsillitis or Otitis Media: Prescribe in addition to or in alternation R1

– Sinusitis: R49

– When the rash does not develop at all or too slowly give intercurrently, R23, 8-10 drops 2 or 3 times daily

– Bronchitis: additionally Jutussin drops R9 or in syrup form R8

– Pending an involvement of the lungs: R48 given 3 or 4 times daily in addition to R62

– Tendency to TB of lungs: R57, 8 to 10 drops given 1 or 2 times daily

Info for Registered practitioners only