HR 84 Masood (DERMIKAM)


HR 84 Masood is New and improved formulation of Homoeopathic medicines for skin allergy.


HR 84 Masood is New and improved formulation of Homoeopathic medicines for skin allergy.
Beneficial for skin allergy, severe skin eruptions, eczema, hives and itching.

Presentation: Bottle of 20 ml.

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Dosage: 15 drops 3 times a day in water

Note: Consult your Homoeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.

Adverse effects: Not reported.

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Erythema, eczema, pemphigus. Intense pruritus.
Urticaria, appearing and disappearing suddenly.

Urtica Urens:
Itching blotches. Urticaria, burning heat, with formication; violent itching.

Apis Mellifica:
Skin sore, sensitive stinging.
Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pain.

Rhus Toxicodendron:
Burning eczematous eruptions with tendency to scale formation.
Vesicles, herpes; urticaria; pemphigus; erysipelas.

Copaiva Officinalis:
Hives, Roseola. Erysipelatous inflammation.

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